KC Life

Living with Keratoconus

The Transplant

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The first transplant has been scheduled on March 3, 2009. I had to go through a 7 months waiting period to get this date. I guess, cornea is scarce. Anyhow, as both eyes need to be transplanted as soon as possible, the surgeon has left the decision to choose the first eye to be operated entirely on me. And as usual, I am confused.

Currently, my right eye is put for transplant. I can change it even the day before the surgery. With my current RGP lenses the corrected vision is slightly better in my left eye than the right. But the fitting is more uncomfortable on the left. Hence the dilemma. Right now, my optometrist is trying a new fit on the right to make the vision slightly better in order to make it at par to the left. If this turns successful, I’ll change the transplant choice to the left as it was at the commencement of this whole episode. Yes, originally left one was put to be transplanted first. I’ve got you all confused, haven’t I? 🙂

Written by crazylogix

February 5, 2009 at 9:27 am

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